Nepal Flag

नेपाल सरकार

नेपाल पशु चिकित्सा परिषद

भेटेरिनरी कम्प्लेक्स,त्रिपुरेश्‍वर

Fully Digitalized and ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization

२०८१ चैत ०१ गते


About the Nepal Veterinary Council

The need to ensure quality veterinary service through qualified veterinary human resources to fight animal diseases and specifically the eradication of rinderpest led to the creation of the Nepal Veterinary Council as a national veterinary statutory body through the promulgation of the Nepal Veterinary Council Act, 2055.

Nepal, being a member of the World Trade Organization, has an international obligation to strengthen and ensure the quality of her national veterinary service, including the legislative and regulatory mechanisms, through the establishment of the Council in line with the Office International des Epizooties (OIE), now WOAH.

The Nepal Veterinary Council is the highest authority and veterinary statutory body in Nepal, established by law. The NVC is the independent governmental organization responsible for improving animal health services nationwide and ensuring the quality of human resources involved in veterinary services.

Till date, a total of 1982 veterinarians have been registered with the Council. The NVC maintains functional relationships with concerned national and international organizations. The NVC is on its way to improving its functions and capacity as laid out in its five-year strategic plan (2009–2013).



How does the organization function?

The organization is placed under the authority and control of a Council comprised of a President, two Vice Presidents (2), and eight members elected or designated from among registered veterinarians for a four-year term. The government appoints a registrar to be in charge of administration in the council's office.



The NVC has constituted the following Committees from among its members to achieve its objectives:

  • Administration and Name Registration Committee.
  • Professional Standard and Complaints Assessment Committee.
  • Competency Assessment and Quality Regulation Committee.
  • Specilalist Registration Committee.
  • News and Communication Committee.
  • Ethical Clearance Committee


NVC has a central-level organization with an office located at the veterinary complex in Tripureshwor, Kathmandu. The day-to-day operation of the NVC is managed at the office of the Council under the responsibility of the Registrar. The office implements the resolutions passed by NVC.




The main functions of the Council are:

  • To register the qualified veterinarian
  • To regulate veterinary professionals
  • To regulate veterinary educational establishments
  • To advocate for the government in matters related to the veterinary profession.
  • To examine and approve the annual program budget of the Council

The Council meets at least twice a year to review, examine, and approve technical and administrative affairs.


The NVC’s financial resources are derived principally from the governmental grant, registration fees, and other income-generating activities of the Council.